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Book Sense 76

Fair Trade (B&N, Borders): Articles of Interest
ABA Litigation Update, Day 5 -- April 16, 2001
April 16, 2001
The new week began with persuasive bookseller testimony. Ann Christophersen (Women and Children First, Chicago, and ABA vice president) presented as clear a picture as possible about our industry's practices and procedures.
ABA Litigation Update, Day 4 -- April 12, 2001
April 12, 2001
It was a day of no fireworks or real surprises in which John Barringer from the Little Professor Book Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, handled himself nicely in nearly four hours of testimony.
ABA Litigation Update, Day 3 -- April 11, 2001
April 11, 2001
It was a mixed bag today. A great deal of information about alleged unfair and illegal chain deals was made public in court, but the defense efforts to muddy the already-murky waters of publisher and wholesaler terms left it unclear how much weight the evidence will bear.
ABA Litigation Update, Day 2 -- April 10, 2001
April 10, 2001
While the testimony of Andy Ross and Gail See today provided more clues to the way the industry works, defense lawyers took their gloves off and began throwing heavyweight punches, many of which landed.
ABA Litigation Update, Day 1 -- April 9, 2001
April 09, 2001
After eight long years of litigation against discriminatory publisher practices, including three years of waiting for this trial to begin, independent booksellers finally have their day in court.
Independent Booksellers Confident on Eve of Trial
April 05, 2001
On Monday, April 9, the trial in the closely watched case of ABA et al. v. Barnes & Noble et al. is set to begin in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
Trial Against the Chains Set for Monday; Final Pre-Trial Hearing Scheduled for Today
April 05, 2001
On Thursday, April 5, lawyers from both sides of the ABA/Independent Bookseller suit against Barnes & Noble and Borders were scheduled to appear before Judge William H. Orrick in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
Hearing Scheduled for Upcoming Trial
March 29, 2001
At press time, a pre-trial hearing before Judge William H. Orrick Jr. was scheduled in San Francisco for Thursday, March 29.
Court Rules on Summary Judgment
March 21, 2001
On Wednesday, March 21, Judge William H. Orrick, Jr. issued his ruling relating to the parties' summary judgment motions in the antitrust suit brought about by the American Booksellers Association and more than 20 individual bookstores against the nation's two largest bookselling chains, Barnes & Noble and Borders.
Arguments Heard in Antitrust Suit Summary Judgment Motions
March 02, 2001
On Tuesday, February 27, a federal district court heard arguments in a groundbreaking antitrust suit brought by the American Booksellers Association and more than 20 individual bookstores against the nation's two largest bookselling chains, Barnes & Noble and Borders.

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