March 29, 2001
Hearing Scheduled for Upcoming Trial
At press time, a pre-trial hearing before Judge William H. Orrick Jr. was scheduled
in San Francisco for Thursday, March 29. At the hearing, it is expected that
the court will address procedural issues for the trial.
With the trial against the chains set to open on Monday, April 9, ABA is gearing
up to provide up-to-the-minute coverage of the legal story in both BTW and in
a special e-mail publication, ABA Litigation Update.
Covering the trial in San Francisco will be Hut Landon, the executive director
of the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association. Landon will
provide daily dispatches on the developments in the courtroom. (In addition
to his background as a bookseller and regional association executive director,
Landon was the assistant publisher and managing editor of the Pacific Sun, an
alternative weekly in Marin County.)
To receive ABA Litigation Update, send an e-mail to [email protected]
and fill in the subject as "Opt-in to ABA Legal Update." In the body
of your e-mail, please indicate the address at which you would like to receive
your e-mail if it is not the same one from which you are e-mailing us, and include
the addresses of any of your colleagues who would like to receive these daily
Topics: Fair Trade (B&N, Borders), About ABA,