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Date: 07/22/04 12:12
Subject: Re: summer paperback issue
Author: Dan Cullen

Hi Brian,

Thanks very much for taking the time to post.

I, too, thought the Summer Paperback flier was wonderfully designed (the lime-green type really commands attention, and, to me, sort of subliminally says �cool summer drink,� which is fun�), and I will be sure to share your comments with the designer. Thanks, too, for your thoughts about the design for the monthly Picks fliers. I think one of the big pluses, design wise, with the monthly flier is that the format is easier to display and implement in the store, though, as you note, making sure that the design helps to create the impulse for a consumer to pick it up is *really* important! (Booksellers have told me that an effective technique to garner attention has been to post the monthly flier unfolded as a mini-poster with a display and/or a stack of fliers for consumers�) It�s good to hear direct feedback; so, again, many thanks, and I will share this with my colleagues on the Book Sense marketing team.

We hear you about the importance of paperback and are trying to ensure that the format is represented in Book Sense Picks. There are some great paperbacks coming among the September Picks selections, and we have also begun a regular feature in the Picks flier of a paperback announcement page, which will note 6 titles that were Book Sense Hardcover Picks that are now in paperback. (And there are some great paperbacks each month among the �We Also Recommend�� Book Sense titles that are available in a very nicely designed PDF flier at -- and there are downloadable shelf-talkers for all those titles as well.)

I�ve gone on a bit here, but I hope some of this is a help! Again, thanks so much for taking the time to post and share your thoughts.

Let�s stay in touch,

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