August 04, 2000
The Next 76
The Top Ten for the September/October Book Sense 76 is notable for the most-often recommended nonfiction book to make the 76 since Isaac's Storm. The number-one pick for this 76 is BLACK MASS, published by Public Affairs back in late May, and it has gathered great word-of-mouth all summer long--and is close to cracking the Book Sense Bestseller List. A close second in the new 76 list is a novel, also published in May and also on a lot of booksellers' staff pick tables: Alistair MacLeod's NO GREAT MISCHIEF, from Norton. Third is the winner of Canada's Giller Prize last year, A GOOD HOUSE, by Bonnie Burnard, published by Holt and due out in September. Rounding out the top 10: another novel by a Canadian writer--this one very well-known, three paperbacks of very popular hardcovers from last year, a children's book from an unlikely (or maybe not) source (and my nine-year-old daughter loved it), a powerful memoir from Houghton that they and we are very high on, and a debut novel from Claire Davis, published by Picador, that I particularly loved. Read on. The full 76 to be announced momentarily.
- The top votegetter for the September/October Book
Sense 76 from booksellers: BLACK MASS: The Irish Mob, the
FBI, and the Devil's Deal, by Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill (Public
Affairs, $26, 1891620401) "This book is riveting to say the least. It is unbelievable
to think to what lengths the FBI went to protect two top mobsters in New England.
This book is more than a true crime offering, especially since we see a glimpse
of both the inner workings of the FBI and the Boston underworld." --Bob
Hegarty, Booksmith, Woburn MA. "This true story of a pact made between
two criminals and the FBI during the last three decades both fascinates and
horrifies as one watches the line between law enforcement and criminal activity
blur and finally disappear. I couldn't put it down." --Ellen Tisdell, Davis-Kidd
Booksellers, Nashville, TN
- NO GREAT MISCHIEF, by Alistair MacLeod (Norton, $23.95, 0393049701)
"Michael Ondaatje calls MacLeod 'one of the great undiscovered writers of
our time.' This beautiful novel, written in spare, haunting prose, tells the
story of a family clan who migrated to late 1700s Cape Breton. This book is
a winner." --Nancy Olsen, Quail Ridge, Raleigh, NC "This haunting
and lyrical novel explores the ties that bind several generations of Scottish
immigrants who settle in Nova Scotia, and whose lives are shaped by that bleak
landscape. The spare, understated writing compels one to re-read passages
for the sheer beauty and power of the language." --Mary Benham, Book Passage,
Corte Madera, CA
- THE GOOD HOUSE, by Bonnie Burnard (Holt, $25, 0805064958) "I loved
this book. I looked forward to getting reinvolved with the characters each
night. This is a book where nothing really happens out of the ordinary--but
the ordinary is extraordinary because of the skill of the storyteller." --Lesley
Kleiser, Montgomery Book Company, Cincinnati. "I curled up with A Good
House and came away with a feeling of awe. This beautiful story is told
with an all-embracing empathy for its characters." --Barbara Morrow, Northshire
Bookstore, Manchester Center, VT (The Good House won the very prestigious
Giller Prize in Canada.)
- PLAINSONG, by Kent Haruf (Vintage Books, $13 paper, 0375705856)
"Set in a small eastern Colorado town, these overlapping stories convey a
deep sense of community and strong character. This novel is just plain wonderful."
--Tom Wells, Dearleap Books, Bristol, VT (Plainsong was a Finalist
for both the National Book Award and Book Sense Book of the Year.)
- ALL SOULS: A Family Story from Southie, by Michael Patrick
MacDonald (Ballantine, $14 paper, 034544177X; due out Oct. 3) "Starting with
the media image of white families in Boston who didn't want to be bussed,
MacDonald unravels the tale to show a poor family caught by circumstances.
Reading All Souls reminds me of what makes a perfect memoir--great
writing, an interesting story, and a new perspective." --Daniel Goldin,HarrySchwartz'sBookshops,
Milwaukee, WI
- WINTER RANGE, by Claire Davis (Picador, $23, 0312261403) "What a
powerful, gritty, honest book! I was thoroughly enthralled by Davis's ability
to write about the Montana landscape, the animals, and the men and women so
truthfully and simply. She understands what happens to people in the harshest
of times, dealing with the pull of the past and the heartaches of the future."
--Alaine Borgias, Village Books, Bellingham, WA
- BLIND ASSASSIN, by Margaret Atwood (Doubleday, $26, 0385475721;
in stores Sept. 5) "The lives of a button dynast's daughters are the threads
that Atwood uses to spin together dazzling tales within tales in this convoluted,
compelling novel of the Depression and its aftermath. One of Canada's finest
authors at her astonishing best." --Betsy Burton, The King's English, Salt
Lake City, VT
Nasdijj (Houghton Mifflin $23, 0618048928) "This is one of the more
powerful books I have ever read. The author is of mixed Navajo/white heritage,
and, although the subject matter is bleak, Nasdijj's humor constantly breaks
through. Like the best of writers, his voice is unique. I will remember this
memoir for a long time and hope that it gets a wide readership." --Michael
Katzenberg, Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, VT
- MISS JULIA SPEAKS HER MIND, by Ann B. Ross (HarperPerennial, $13
paper, 0688177751) "The story is heartwarming, hilarious, even exciting. One
of our most recommended books; a great books for reading groups." --Julie
C. Harris, Best of Books, Edmond, OK
- THE GIGGLER TREATMENT, by Roddy Doyle (Scholastic, $14.95, 0439162998)
"This is the first children's book by Doyle, and it's a riot! Great for any
kid who's a Roald Dahl fan!" --Suzanne Coopersmith, R. J. Julia Booksellers,
Madison, CT
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