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Book Sense 76

Sales Tax Initiative: Articles of Interest
International Booksellers Federations Support E-Fairness
June 28, 2001
Even as the political issue of e-fairness heats up in the U.S. due to the approaching expiration of the moratorium on any new taxes on the Internet, other countries are also beginning to grapple with the issue of unfair tax treatment between e-tailers and bricks-and-mortar stores.
U.S. Governors Square Off on E-Fairness Before House Panel
June 28, 2001
Two Republican governors offered contrasting viewpoints regarding e-fairness and e-commerce before a U.S. House of Representatives panel last week, as the debate regarding potential legislation moved from the Senate to the House.
E-Fairness Talks Gain Momentum
June 14, 2001
The recent decision of Senator James Jeffords of Vermont to leave the Republican party, which gave Democrats the majority in the Senate, turned Washington upside-down -- and has changed the legislative prospects for a number of issues, including e-fairness.
Senate Rejects Extending Internet Tax Moratorium Without Dealing with E-Fairness
May 24, 2001
Though competing bills regarding Internet taxation have been introduced in the U.S. Senate, ABA and other e-fairness advocates were cheered last week not by a winning vote but by an amendment�s defeat.
California E-Fairness Bill Moves Ahead in State Assembly
May 04, 2001
Independent booksellers in California were cheered when the state Assembly Appropriations Committee approved an e-fairness bill on May 2.
California Assembly Takes Up Issue of E-Fairness
April 06, 2001
As BTW went to press, the California state legislature was again debating the issue of e-fairness for state retailers.
Senate Commerce Committee Hears Call for E-Fairness
March 15, 2001
In a hearing before the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, witnesses testified that an uneven playing field between Internet and bricks-and-mortar retailers could leave states scrambling to collect the sales tax revenue necessary for essential services.
ABA Renews E-Fairness Efforts
February 08, 2001
As Congress convened this January, ABA renewed its efforts to ensure the equitable collection of sales tax on Internet purchases.
Reproducible E-Fairness Petition
November 04, 2000
ABA is providing a petition template that a bookseller can use to gather signatures in support of e-fairness to be sent to the state's governor.
ABA Redoubles Calls for E-Fairness
November 03, 2000
Though pleased to hear that B&N plans to begin collecting sales tax for online purchases, ABA President Coonerty noted that "our efforts to ensure equitable collection of sales tax will continue unabated until all retailers follow the same rules."

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