Template Letter to Potential BookSense.com Affiliates
I�m writing from [[bookstore or organization name here]] to ask you to consider
adding an independent bookselling link to your website. BookSense.com provides
book consumers access to over three million titles, available for purchase through
more than 200 local independent bookstores.
By becoming one of our more than 2,000 affiliates, you will offer visitors
to your website the opportunity buy your book from an independent bookstore
with Book Sense, an alternative many people prefer. By supporting local businesses,
you help keep tax dollars in the community and help prevent the "malling" of
America. Plus, you'll earn valuable affiliate commissions for every referral
that results in a sale!
For information about joining the BookSense.com Affiliate Program, point your
Web browser to this address: http://www.booksense.com/affiliate/.
Thanks in advance for giving your website customers a choice.
[[Include your contact information here]]