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Children's Illustrated

Bestseller List for August 24, 2006
from sales the week ending August 20, 2006
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  Children's Illustrated
1. Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People - Debut
Dav Pilkey, Scholastic, $4.99, 0439376149
2. Pirateology
Captain William Lubber, Candlewick, $19.99, 0763631434
3. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference!
Lynne Truss, Bonnie Timmons (Illus.), Putnam, $15.99, 0399244913
4. Goodnight Moon
Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd (Illus.), HarperCollins, $7.99, 0694003611
5. Bats at the Beach
Brian Lies, Houghton Mifflin, $16, 061855744X
6. Olivia Forms a Band
Ian Falconer, Atheneum, $17.95, 141692454X
7. Pirates
John Matthews, Atheneum, $19.95, 1416927344
8. Dooby Dooby Moo
Doreen Cronin, Betsy Lewin (Illus.), Atheneum, $16.95, 0689845073
9. Sabuda & Reinhart Present Castle
Kyle Olmon, Tracy Sabin (Illus.), Orchard, $19.99, 043954324X
10. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Eric Carle, Putnam, $10.99, 0399226907
11. Owen and Mzee
Isabella Hatkoff, et al., Scholastic, $16.99, 0439829739
12. Fancy Nancy
Jane O'Connor, Robin Preiss Glasser (Illus.), HarperCollins, $15.99, 0060542098
13. Pat the Bunny
Dorothy Kunhardt, Golden, $9.99, 0307120007
14. The Night Before Kindergarten
Natasha Wing, Julie Durrell (Illus.), Grosset & Dunlap, $3.99, 0448425009
15. Good Night, Gorilla
Peggy Rathmann, Putnam, $7.99, 0399230033

The Book Sense Bestseller List is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without permission from the American Booksellers Association. For information on obtaining permission, contact Meg Smith, Associate Director, Book Sense Marketing, ABA, 200 White Plains Rd., Tarrytown, NY 10591, call (914) 591-2665, ext. 6641.

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