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Children's Illustrated

Bestseller List for March 24, 2005
from sales the week ending March 20, 2005
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  Children's Illustrated  
1. Goodnight Moon
Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd (Illus.), HarperCollins, $7.99, 0694003611
2. Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook
Shel Silverstein, HarperCollins, $17.99, 0060256532
3. Kitten's First Full Moon
Kevin Henkes, Greenwillow, $15.99, 0060588284
4. The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes
Dubose Heyward, Marjorie Flack (Illus.), Houghton Mifflin, $5.95, 0395185572
5. The Story of the Easter Bunny
Katherine Tegen, Sally Anne Lambert (Illus.), HarperCollins, $12.99, 006050711X
6. A Treasure's Trove
Michael Stadther, Treasure Trove, $19.95, 0976061805
7. Zen Shorts
Jon J. Muth, Scholastic, $16.95, 0439339111
8. Pat the Bunny
Dorothy Kunhardt, Golden, $9.99, 0307120007
9. The Golden Egg Book
Margaret Wise Brown, Leonard Weisgard (Illus.), Golden, $8.99, 037582717X
10. Dragonology
Ernest Drake, Helen Ward (Illus.), Douglas Carrel (Illus.), Candlewick, $19.99, 0763623296
11. I Am a Bunny
Ole Risom, Richard Scarry (Illus.), Golden, $5.99, 0375827781
12. Egyptology
Emily Sands, Nick Harris, Ian Andrew (Illus.), Candlewick, $19.99, 0763626384
13. Tails
Matthew Van Fleet, Red Wagon, $13.95, 0152167730
14. Olivia
Ian Falconer, Atheneum, $16.95, 0689829531
15. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Bill Martin, Eric Carle (Illus.), Holt, $7.95, 0805047905

The Book Sense Bestseller List is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without permission from the American Booksellers Association. For information on obtaining permission, contact Meg Smith, Associate Director, Book Sense Marketing, ABA, 828 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591, call (914) 591-2665, ext. 1239.

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