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Children's Fiction

Bestseller List for February 3, 2005
from sales the week ending January 30, 2005
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  Children's Fiction
1. Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood - Debut
Ann Brashares, Delacorte, $16.95, 0385729359
2. Because of Winn-Dixie
Kate DiCamillo, Candlewick, $5.99, 0763625582
3. The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events #1)
Lemony Snicket, HarperCollins, $11.99, 0064407667
4. The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events #4)
Lemony Snicket, HarperCollins, $11.99, 0064407691
5. The Grim Grotto (A Series of Unfortunate Events #11)
Lemony Snicket, HarperCollins, $11.99, 0064410145
6. The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events #3)
Lemony Snicket, HarperCollins, $11.99, 0064407683
7. The Reptile Room (A Series of Unfortunate Events #2)
Lemony Snicket, HarperCollins, $11.99, 0064407675
8. Dragon Rider
Cornelia Funke, Chicken House, $12.95, 0439456959
9. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood
Ann Brashares, Delacorte, $8.95, 0385731051
10. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Ann Brashares, Delacorte, $8.95, 0385730586
11. The Thief Lord
Cornelia Funke, Chicken House, $6.99, 043942089X
12. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, $9.99, 0439358078
13. Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime
Barbara Park, Random House, $3.99, 0375800395
14. Eragon
Christopher Paolini, Knopf, $18.95, 0375826688
15. Inkheart
Cornelia Funke, Chicken House, $19.95, 0439531640

The Book Sense Bestseller List is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without permission from the American Booksellers Association. For information on obtaining permission, contact Meg Smith, Associate Director, Book Sense Marketing, ABA, 828 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591, call (914) 591-2665, ext. 1239.

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