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Book Sense Bestsellers
Book Sense 76

Extended Paperback Nonfiction

Based on sales from the week ending November 21, 2004.

16. Sea of Glory
Nathaniel Philbrick, Penguin, $16, 0142004839
17. Running With Scissors
Augusten Burroughs, Picador, $14, 031242227X
18. The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle, New World Library, $14, 1577314808
19. Dreams From My Father
Barack Obama, Three Rivers, $13.95, 1400082773
20. Me Talk Pretty One Day
David Sedaris, Little Brown, $14.95, 0316776963
21. Stitch 'n Bitch Nation
Debbie Stoller, Workman, $15.95, 0761135901
22. The Opposite of Fate
Amy Tan, Penguin, $15, 0142004898
23. The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz, Amber-Allen, $12.95, 1878424319
24. The South Beach Diet Good Fats/Good Carbs Counter
Arthur Agatston, M.D., Rodale, $7.99, 1579549586
25. Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook
Dawn J. Ranck, Good Books, $16.95, 1561483397
26. Holidays on Ice
David Sedaris, Back Bay, $8.95, 0316779237
27. Flyboys
James Bradley, Back Bay, $14.95, 0316159433
28. Almost French
Sarah Turnbull, Gotham, $13, 1592400825
29. The Perricone Prescription
Nicholas Perricone, M.D., HarperResource, $15.95, 0060934352
30. The Big House
George Howe Colt, Scribner, $14, 074324964X
31. The Darwin Awards III
Wendy Northcutt, Plume, $11, 0452285720
32. Franklin and Winston
Jon Meacham, Random House, $16.95, 0812972821
33. The Hidden Messages in Water
Masaru Emoto, Beyond Words, $16.95, 1582701148
34. Tuesdays With Morrie
Mitch Albom, Broadway, $12.95, 076790592X
35. A People's History of the United States
Howard Zinn, Perennial, $18.95, 0060528370
36. The Sweet Potato Queens' Field Guide to Men
Jill Conner Browne, Three Rivers, $13.95, 1400049687
37. Stiff
Mary Roach, Norton, $13.95, 0393324826
38. The Motorcycle Diaries (Movie Tie-In)
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, Ocean, $14.95, 1920888101
39. What to Expect When You're Expecting
Heidi E. Murkoff, et al., Workman, $13.95, 0761121323
40. The Impossible Will Take a Little While
Paul Rogat Loeb (Ed.), Basic, $15.95, 0465041663
41. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert Kiyosaki, Warner, $16.95, 0446677450
42. Knitting
Anne Akers Johnson, Klutz, $24.95, 1570548617
43. Curse Reversed
The Sporting News (Eds.), The Sporting News, $16.95, 0892047801
44. Over the Edge of the World
Laurence Bergreen, Perennial, $15.95, 006093638X
45. Dog Is My Co-Pilot
Bark Editors, Three Rivers, $14, 1400050537
46. Nickel and Dimed
Barbara Ehrenreich, Owl, $13, 0805063897
47. Persepolis
Marjane Satrapi, Pantheon, $11.95, 037571457X
48. Fast Food Nation
Eric Schlosser, Perennial, $14.95, 0060938455
49. A Child Called "It"
Dave Pelzer, HCI, $9.95, 1558743669
50. Fix-It & Forget-It Lightly
Phyllis Pellman Good, Good Books, $18.95, 1561484326

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