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Book Sense 76

Extended Hardcover Nonfiction

Based on sales from the week ending June 27, 2004.

16. McSweeney's Quarterly Concern Issue 13
McSweeney's (Eds.), 1932416080, McSweeney's, $24
17. All Fishermen Are Liars
Linda Greenlaw, 1401300707, Hyperion, $22.95
18. Against All Enemies
Richard Clarke, 0743260244, Free Press, $27
19. Generation Kill
Evan Wright, 0399151931, Putnam, $24.95
20. The World According to Mr. Rogers
Fred Rogers, 1401301061, Hyperion, $16.95
21. Stranger Than Fiction
Chuck Palahniuk, 0385504489, Doubleday, $23.95
22. Secrets of the Code
Arne de Keijzer (Ed.), 1593150229, CDS, $21.95
23. Furry Logic
Jane Seabrook, 1580085695, Ten Speed, $9.95
24. Dude, Where's My Country?
Michael Moore, 0446532231, Warner, $24.95
25. The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands
Dr. Laura Schlessinger, 0060520612, HarperCollins, $24.95
26. Good to Great
Jim Collins, 0066620996, HarperCollins, $27.50
27. Battle Ready
Tom Clancy, Gen.Tony Zinni (Ret.), 0399151761, Putnam, $28.95
28. The Exception to the Rulers
Amy Goodman, David Goodman, 1401301312, Hyperion, $21.95
29. Status Anxiety
Alain de Botton, 0375420835, Pantheon, $24
30. A Pretext for War
James Bamford, 0385506724, Doubleday, $26.95
31. Three Weeks with My Brother
Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks, 0446532444, Warner, $22
32. More Than Money
Neil Cavuto, 0060096438, Regan Books, $24.95
33. The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle, 1577311523, New World, $22.95
34. On Paradise Drive
David Brooks, 0743227387, S&S, $25
35. Reason
Robert B. Reich, 1400042216, Knopf, $24
36. An Alchemy of Mind
Diane Ackerman, 0743246721, Scribner, $25
37. Worse Than Watergate
John Dean, 031600023X, Little Brown, $22.95
38. What's the Matter with Kansas?
Thomas Frank, 0805073396, Metropolitan, $24
39. Caddy for Life
John Feinstein, 0316777889, Little Brown, $25.95
40. Dylan's Visions of Sin
Christopher Ricks, 0060599235, Ecco, $26.95
41. Imperial America
Gore Vidal, 1560255854, Nation, $18
42. House of Bush, House of Saud
Craig Unger, 074325337X, Scribner, $26
43. Moyers on America
Bill Moyers, 1565848926, New Press, $24.95
44. Rewriting History
Dick Morris, 0060736682, Regan Books, $24.95
45. Ted Williams
Leigh Montville, 0385507488, Doubleday, $26.95
46. The Wisdom of Crowds
James Surowiecki, 0385503865, Doubleday, $24.95
47. The Politics of Truth
Joseph Wilson, 078671378X, Carroll & Graf, $26
48. A Short History of Nearly Everything
Bill Bryson, 0767908171, Broadway, $27.50
49. Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Al Franken, 0525947647, Dutton, $24.95
50. Edward R. Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism
Bob Edwards, 0471477532, Wiley, $19.95

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