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Book Sense 76

April 05, 2001

Back to School for Booksellers at BEA

A key feature of ABA education programming at BookExpo America 2001 is a booksellers school, "Fundamentals of Independent Bookselling: Strategies for Opening & Growing a Profitable Bookstore," intended for prospective and new booksellers. The school is in session May 30-June 1.

During the program, attendees will learn about the financial investment required and the financial dynamics that are typical for ongoing bookstore businesses. They will meet successful independent bookstore owners and discover what it takes in today's marketplace to develop a tangible competitive advantage. Book industry experts will share insights on how the industry works and how one can use the trade show to help gather information.

The booksellers school is facilitated by Donna Paz and Mark Kaufman of the bookstore training and consulting group of Paz & Associates and is sponsored by ABA. The $295 registration fee includes copies of the publications Opening a Bookstore: The Essential Planning Guide ($89.95 value) and Manual on Bookselling ($24.95 value), as well as BookExpo America registration. Advance registration is necessary.

For more details about the ABA Booksellers School at BEA, click here. A registration form is available online at Further information can also be obtained from the ABA Information Services Department at (914) 591-2665, ext. 1292 or [email protected].

Topics: About Bookselling, Resources, BookExpo,

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